Body Balance and Stretch is a popular online class designed to help you move more freely.

With a significant amount of back pain being caused by lack of movement, this class will help you by including exercises to mobilise and stabilise your joints, through basic movement patterns, stretching and mobilising. This is not an intensive exercise class, although it may be more challenging for some than others. Learning to breath more effectively through the exercises will also bring more energy into your body and make you feel more uplifted and happy to tackle the day ahead.

Sitting is common place these days - at a desk, in the car, on the sofa. Sitting for long periods of time without adequate movement results in a lack of flexibility, even to bend down and put your shoes on!  Sitting compresses the spine 30% more than when standing, and the risk of pain, a herniated disc or sciatica becomes more likely (Ref: NHS England)

This has been associated with a 21% increased risk of lung cancer and 24% increased likelihood of colon cancer. If we sit too long we become like a stagnant pond giving our major organs lack of space to operate and a lack of blood flow and energy without natural rhythm and flow as a consequence.

By taking part you will enjoy

  • Greater flexibility

  • Improved stability

  • Stronger mobility

The sessions are held at the following times

  • Wednesday 0900

  • Thursday 1800 (level 2)

Your first class is free so that you can come and try it - have a go!

Thereafter, each class is £5.25 (inc. booking fee) Please pay in advance by purchasing a block of 4 classes for £21.